


耶路撒冷, 以色列

男医生 Laura Canetti

男医生 Laura Canetti

专长 Psychiatry
语言 英语, 希伯来语
毕业于 1990 (34 毕业距今)
教育 1983-1987 - Haifa University, Israel. B.A. Psychology and Universal History

1986-1990 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem. M.A. Clinical Psychology

1998 - Presently studying for the PhD (my doctoral thesis is about the psychological consequences of gastroplasty and dieting in superobese people)
专业经历 2000-present - Hadassah University Medical Center, Jerusalem. Senior psychologist in outpatient clinic at and part of a research team on eating disorders

1993-2000 - Kiryat Yovel Mental Health Center, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem. Clinical psychologist and from 1996 Supervisor of students of clinical psychology and also continued working at Hadassah Univ. Medical Center as part of a research team

1990-1992 - Hadassah University Medical Center, Jerusalem. Clinical Psychologist

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