


耶路撒冷, 以色列

男医生 Yoav Mattan, MD

男医生 Yoav Mattan, MD

专长 Orthopedic Surgery
语言 英语, 希伯来语
毕业于 1980 (44 毕业距今)
教育 1980 - Graduated M.D. Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem.1981-82 Rotating Internship at the Hadassah University Hospital.
专业经历 1982-85 Orthopaedic Residency at Hadassah University Hospital Mount Scopus.

1970 - Israeli Defense Forces – paratroops unit, as a platoon and company commander (military rank in reserves - major)

1990 - British Council course on osteoarthritis of the knee, London.

1990 - 57th AO ASIF Foundation (AO Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen, ASIF Assocaition for the Study of Interanl Fixation), Basic Course.

1993 - AO International, Advanced Course.

1996 - Current concepts in joint replacement, The Cleveland Joint Course, Orlando.

1998 - Current concepts in joint replacement, The Cleveland Joint Course, Orlando.

1999 - Current concepts in joint replacement, The Cleveland Joint Course, Orlando.

1992 Instructor, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

1995 - Lecturer, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

1988 - Australian Orthopaedic registrar training program as Senior Registrar.

1990 - Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem.

1999 - Head of Orthopaedic Section Hadassah Medical Center, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem.

1982 - Teaching orthopaedics to medical students and nurses, Hadassah-Hebrew University.

1997-2000 Teaching in the Post Graduate Lectures in Orthopaedics, Tel Aviv University.
证书 1985 - Israel Orthopaedic and Surgical Boards – Grade A.

1989 - Israel Orthopaedic and Surgical Boards – Grade B.
会员 1989 - Member of the Israeli Orthopaedic Association.

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