Destruction of hemorrhoids by cauterization/cryotherapy, in surgical day care Service code: C4943 |
Umbilical hernia repair, up to 5 years of age, in surgical day care Service code: C5349 |
Anterior abdominal wall hernia repair, excluding POVH, open Service code: G0202 |
Inguinal/femoral hernia repair, hospital day care Service code: G0066 |
Anterior abdominal wall hernia repair, excluding POVH, laparoscopic Service code: G0203 |
Umbilical hernia repair, age 5 years or older, laparoscopic Service code: G0207 |
Umbilical hernia repair, age 5 years or older, open Service code: G0206 |
Diaphragmatic hernia repair, laparoscopic Service code: G0204 |
Mastectomy, bilateral Service code: G0045 |